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Oticon Real & Own


Oticon Real is a line of hearing aids that represents a significant advancement in hearing technology, designed by Oticon, a leader in the field of audiology and hearing aids. The Oticon Real is built on the new Polaris platform and incorporates a deep neural network (DNN), which has been trained on 12 million real-life sounds to provide a more natural and balanced hearing experience. Here’s an overview of what makes Oticon Real a standout choice for individuals with hearing loss:


Key Features of Oticon Real:


  1. Deep Neural Network (DNN): The DNN in Oticon Real processes sounds in a way that mimics how the brain works, leading to clearer, fuller, and more balanced hearing. This technology helps users effortlessly understand speech and differentiate between sounds, even in noisy environments.

  2. 360° Sound Experience: Unlike traditional hearing aids that focus on speech coming from in front of the user, Oticon Real captures sounds from all directions, offering a more natural listening experience and improved situational awareness.

  3. Rechargeable Solutions: Oticon Real is available in rechargeable models, providing a full day's battery life with a quick charging feature, eliminating the need for disposable batteries and offering convenience for users.

  4. Connectivity: These hearing aids offer seamless connectivity to smartphones, TVs, and other devices via Bluetooth®, allowing users to stream audio directly to their hearing aids. This feature supports both Android and iOS devices, making it versatile for all users.

  5. Tinnitus SoundSupport: For those experiencing tinnitus, Oticon Real includes built-in sound therapy features that can help alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus by providing soothing sounds.

  6. Companion App: The Oticon Companion App allows users to control their hearing aids from their smartphone, adjust volume, change programs, and check battery levels, offering greater personalization and control over their hearing experience.

  7. IP68 Rated: Oticon Real hearing aids are designed to be durable and resistant to moisture, dust, and particles, ensuring reliability in various environments.

  8. ​

Clinical Benefits:

  • Improved Speech Understanding: Clinical studies have shown that Oticon Real improves speech understanding, reducing the effort required to listen, especially in challenging listening environments.

  • Enhanced Listening Effort: By providing access to a fuller spectrum of sounds, Oticon Real helps to reduce listening effort, making it easier for users to engage in conversations and stay connected with their environment.

Oticon Real is suitable for a wide range of hearing loss, from mild to severe. It's designed to adapt to each user's unique hearing needs and preferences, offering a personalized hearing solution. If you're considering Oticon Real hearing aids, it's advisable to consult with a hearing care professional who can assess your hearing needs and determine if Oticon Real is the right choice for you.


  • Moderate Background Noise

  • Bluetooth Streaming

  • Tinnitus




  • Heavy Background Noise

  • Bluetooth Streaming

  • Tinnitus


  • Speech Boost

  • Sound Classifier

  • Bass Boost



  • Heavy Background Noise

  • Bluetooth Streaming

  • Tinnitus


  • Speech Boost

  • Sound Classifier

  • Bass Boost

  • Transient Noise Reduction

  • 64-Channel Sound



Real and Own hearing aids are Made for iphone and Android and can direct stream to the phone, TV and other smart devices*. All levels of Real and Own can also utilize IFTTT, a smart home platform that can connect devices in the home. Real and Own hearing aids can be connected to smart assistants, security systems, doorbells and more!

*IIC, CIC and ITC sizes cannot stream due to anatomical limitations.

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